
Financial freedom is not a mere state of mind

Financial freedom is not a mere state of mind; it is the perk of being prudent with your earnings. It is not about being a millionaire or a business tycoon; rather it is about having a dependable residual income that covers your expenses and lets you live the life you want to live. Today, [...]

By |2020-08-20T12:28:33+05:30May 28th, 2020|All, Behaviour Finance|Comments Off on Financial freedom is not a mere state of mind

the world’s most catastrophic financial pandemic | Continue or quit

Its official, India will observe an extended nationwide lockdown until the 3rd of May under utmost vigilance. There is hope of some respite in relaxations to the unaffected areas and businesses classified as ‘essential’ in the near future. The pandemic related volatility in the financial market has been playing havoc for over 3 months [...]

By |2020-08-20T19:08:41+05:30May 1st, 2020|All, Behaviour Finance|Comments Off on the world’s most catastrophic financial pandemic | Continue or quit

Savings vs Investments

At the end of every calendar year, most of us have a similar new year’s resolution – prioritizing our health. While some choose to diet, follow health tips from celebrity nutritionists, I was simply lured in by the heavy discount offered by a gym in my vicinity.  Although I was very excited to start [...]

By |2020-08-20T20:03:24+05:30October 3rd, 2019|All, Personal Finance|Comments Off on Savings vs Investments

This Navratri, Take Control of Your Finances

The festival of Navratri represents the triumph of good over evil. Navratriis divided into three phases, each of three days – the first phase is dedicated to Goddess Mahakali, who destroys all the bad within and also around us, the second phase is dedicated to Goddess Mahalaxmi, who we worship to bring us of wealth and prosperity, and [...]

By |2020-08-20T20:08:32+05:30September 26th, 2019|All, Financial Planning|Comments Off on This Navratri, Take Control of Your Finances

Freedom from Debt

“Some debts are fun when you are acquiring them, but none are fun when you set about retiring them.” - Ogden Nash. When debt is managed well, it is a stepping stone that enables us to improve our life and financially accomplish our goals. If not, debt can become a hurdle and hinder our progress rather [...]

By |2020-08-20T21:06:13+05:30August 16th, 2019|All, Financial Planning|Comments Off on Freedom from Debt

Naive Diversification

“Naïve” means “inexperienced” in particular tasks assigned, even while taking important decisions of investments. There are instances in pasts wherein, investors use ‘naïve’ rules of thumb for portfolio construction due to lack of better information. One such rule is known as the ‘1/n’ approach, where investors allocate equally to the range of available asset [...]

By |2020-08-20T22:45:36+05:30December 6th, 2016|All, Behaviour Finance|Comments Off on Naive Diversification

Narrow Framing Bias

We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are.” — Anaïs Nin Narrow Framing Bias: Narrow framing means taking a decision without considering all the factors that can affect a particular decision. Example: Mr. Harshil wants to buy a Phone the only factor that he thinks of is the brand [...]

By |2020-08-20T22:53:42+05:30October 12th, 2015|All, Behaviour Finance|Comments Off on Narrow Framing Bias

Availability bias causing decision bias.

It is a behavioral finance concept which describes how our environment can shape our perceptions.Let’s go back to 2008-09, wherein many people lost their jobs, economy was under stress and house prices were depreciating from their peak. Consider an example wherein, Mr Dumb who is unemployed due to slowdown in the economy. This person is less [...]

By |2020-08-20T18:53:18+05:30April 4th, 2014|All, Behaviour Finance|Comments Off on Availability bias causing decision bias.
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